
From Shepherd's Library
Revision as of 22:36, 4 April 2024 by Farmer Piddy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== How To GatheR === Any sheep in a given community has the ability to gather one of four resources at a time. To gather, connect your wallet to Game.Wolf.Game, select your sheep from the "My NFTs" button, go to the desired resource, click the resource, select the mini-game options, and start gathering. Gathering costs energy. Each time you start gathering, you sheep loses 10 energy instantly, then an additional 2 energy per day spent gathering. So, a 5 day gathering...")
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How To GatheR

Any sheep in a given community has the ability to gather one of four resources at a time. To gather, connect your wallet to Game.Wolf.Game, select your sheep from the "My NFTs" button, go to the desired resource, click the resource, select the mini-game options, and start gathering.

Gathering costs energy. Each time you start gathering, you sheep loses 10 energy instantly, then an additional 2 energy per day spent gathering. So, a 5 day gathering period would mean your sheep spent 20 energy. 10 to start gathering + 2 per day.

Why Gather?

Gathering generates a lot more value that simply the resources you can harvest. While gathering, sheep discover shiny boxes which can be opened and/or sold at the Shopkeeper's marketplace. You can also trade those resources for wool, chops, and pelts in the games AMM.