
From Shepherd's Library
Revision as of 22:49, 4 April 2024 by Farmer Piddy (talk | contribs)

How To GatheR

Any sheep in a given community has the ability to gather one of four resources at a time. To gather, connect your wallet to Game.Wolf.Game, select your sheep from the "My NFTs" button, go to the desired resource, click the resource, select the mini-game options, and start gathering.

Gathering costs energy. Each time you start gathering, you sheep loses 10 energy instantly, then an additional 2 energy per day spent gathering. So, a 5 day gathering period would mean your sheep spent 20 energy. 10 to start gathering + 2 per day.

Why Gather?

Gathering generates a lot more value that simply the resources you can harvest. While gathering, sheep discover shiny boxes which can be opened and/or sold at the Shopkeeper's marketplace. You can use those resources to build higher level structures, or trade those resources for wool, chops, and pelts in the games AMM.

The Daily Multiplier

For more about the gathering daily multiplier and farmer protection strategies, check out the Sheep Strategy page and the Farmer Strategy page.