
From Shepherd's Library
Revision as of 16:41, 2 April 2024 by Farmer Piddy (talk | contribs)

Value Proposition

The sheep is a workhorse, an essential part of the Wolf Game ecosystem. Many community members compare sheep to crypto miners. At the core of it, Sheep are valuable because of their energy. However, how you spend your energy in the game will define your success. There are certainly smart ways to put your Sheeps to work, and the ever changing Wolf Game economy creates an environment where you need to be ready to pivot strategies if you want to play optimally at all times.

Understanding Energy

There are two types of energy - max energy and liquid energy. Each animal has a max energy level that they can recharge to, for Gen0 sheep the max energy is 1,000. The liquid energy increases and decreases depending on your in-game action.

Liquid Energy Max Energy
Gather resources to use or trade for wool. Burn a sheep for chops (1 chop per max energy) to sell, burn for wolf breeding, or trade for resources or wool.
Breed to create Gen2 sheep which are worth chops and collect more resources.
Convert to Peak Credits (1 credit per max energy) to sell or use for Peak Games.

The velocity at which you spend your energy plays a critical role in the amount of wool you earn in the game. Let’s look at a few examples of what this looks like:

Gathering 6 Months Breeding 6 Months
Sheep Energy Spent Wool Earned Energy Spent Wool Earned
Gen0 480 3,240 1,375 37,500
Gen1 480 3,240 1,100 30,000
Gen2 480 3,240 n/a n/a
Wool Earned Per Energy Spent 6.8 27.3

(Based on real time market data from 8/24/23. This assumes a full 750 max-energy breed, 1 chop per day gathering rates with a 40% tax, and a chops to wool conversion of 1:20.)A few observations from this chart:

  • Gen1 produces chops (breeding Gen2 sheep) at a slower rate than Gen0 because they can only breed 2 cycles before needing to recharge.
  • Breeding allows you to churn through energy at a much faster rate than gathering, and produce a lot more chops with that energy. And chops can be traded for wool when the time is right.
  • If you have 2 Gen0 sheep, you can gather with them for 6 months and earn 6,400 wool, or breed with them for 6 months and produce around 75,000 wool (assuming you burned the Gen2’s immediately without collecting first.
  • Gen2 sheep gather resources just as efficiently as Gen0/1.
  • This data doesn’t factor in the gathering power of all the Gen2 sheep you’ve been breeding. For example after breeding 10 Gen2 sheep, a flock can collect 180 wool per day after taxes.

A few key takeaways:

  • Gen 0+1 are intended for breeding, while Gen2 are intended for gathering.
  • Breeding opens up the game exponentially, as your flock grows.
  • Remember, Wolf Game is a living, breathing economy. As gathering rates increase or decrease on the farm, breeding can become even more or less attractive than it is in today's market.
  • The Farm is also designed for gathering rates to go down over time, which means breeding will become even more attractive from an ROI standpoint over time.


Gathering is all about longevity and claiming on a sunny day. If you can gather in longer sprints, your earnings increase dramatically, this is due to the gathering rate multiplier. Each consecutive day a sheep gathers, it gathers faster. Learn more about the Farmers ability to significantly extend your gathering rates and productivity here.

Gathering Daily Multiplier
Day 2 Day 10 Day 20 Day 30 Day 40 Day 50
1.03x 1.24x 1.59x 2.01x 2.48x 3x

Weather also effects your ability to maximize profits. Claiming on Sunny day will multiplier your resources another 1.2x on top of the daily gathering multiplier.

Weather Multiplier
Rainy Cloudy Sunny
0.8x 1x 1.2x


By now you know the power of breeding. Let's cover a few the basics below.

Breeding Basics

  • Breeding is on a timer, the longer you can go into the breed, the more chops you will earn, but there's a energy ceiling of 750 for each breed.
  • Breeding is divided into 2 phases: Courting and Nurturing
  • At 50% complete (the start of the Nurturing phase) the Gen2 sheep is able to pulled from the barn and minted.
  • In the example below, my sheep would have a max energy of 612, if I pulled him from the barn. If I leave him inside the barn, I can keep growing the max energy.
  • If your breed isn't protected by a farmer, then you are risk of a wolf raiding your barn, and losing the sheep entirely.
  • If a wolf attacks an unprotected barn during the Courting phase, then the wolf receives chops instead of a Gen2 sheep.
  • Read more about Farmer Protection on the Farmer Strategy page

Complete Breeding Strategy

For a complete breeding strategy guide, check out my Twitter thread below 👇