Shiny Boxes

From Shepherd's Library
Revision as of 16:31, 19 April 2024 by Farmer Piddy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==== What are Shinies and how can you get them? ==== A Shiny is a little box that can be earned in the game either actively through gathering sheep (or a wolf, if you happen to loot an unprotected sheep and steal his Shiny) OR passively through land ownership. Once you have a Shiny, you can choose to either open it to see what’s inside, or sell it on the in-game marketplace. Shinies can contain wool, resources, leaderboard points, gen 2 animals, siphons, fast travel pa...")
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What are Shinies and how can you get them?

A Shiny is a little box that can be earned in the game either actively through gathering sheep (or a wolf, if you happen to loot an unprotected sheep and steal his Shiny) OR passively through land ownership. Once you have a Shiny, you can choose to either open it to see what’s inside, or sell it on the in-game marketplace. Shinies can contain wool, resources, leaderboard points, gen 2 animals, siphons, fast travel passes, remodels, and a lot more that’s coming soon.

For Sheep Owners

Sheep can find Shinies while gathering, but you have to end the collection in order to claim them. Keep this in mind though, the longer your sheep gather, the more likely they are to find Shinies. Farmer protection can be a huge help in increasing your odds to get more shinies. It’s also important to know that community selection matters a lot! Communities that have higher silo levels give you better odds for finding Shinies. The tradeoff here is that as more sheep gather in a community, the daily gathering rates drop significantly. So in a sense, pursuing Shinies can be at odds with pursuing resources if you go too extreme in one direction.

TOOL TIP - You can use to identify which communities have the highest silo levels and produce the most shinies.

For Land Owners

Land owners can also passively earn Shinies as sheep gather in their communities. Once 100 Shinies have been discovered in a community, Shep airdrops Shinies to landowners in a “raffle” style. As a player, contributing to your community's silos also increases your odds of winning those Shinies. The important takeaway here is this - the more sheep you can lure into your community to gather, the faster you will earn Shinies as a landowner. Historically speaking, the best way to attract sheep owners is by 1) lowering taxes as much as possible and 2) having higher silo levels to produce more resources.

For Wolf Owners

The only way you can get Shinies is by looting other sheep. I’ll just leave it at that 😈